Monday, June 8, 2009

A Real Hero to Argus........ Dr. Grant Miller

In 2007, large animal veterinarian Dr. Grant Miller and three friends formed the non-profit organization CHANGE, or, Coins to Help Abandoned and NeGlected Equines. Their mission was simple: to create a network of support for Sonoma County Animal Care & Control to call on in equine cruelty cases. Since then, CHANGE has helped the Sonoma County District Attorney's office pursue rigorous prosecution of horse abuse cases that previously would never have made it to the courtroom at all.

CHANGE's first case involved two Thoroughbred geldings who had spent the better part of 15 years living confined to 12 x 16 mare motel pens and surviving on stale bread and lettuce. Argus (memorialized here on this blog) and his companion, Bobby, were the first horses to enter foster care under the CHANGE Program. Dr. Miller recalls the December day in 2007 when he and Animal Control were finally empowered to remove the horses from their Penngrove home. It took an hour for Dr. Miller to simply catch and halter the semi-wild Argus in his small pen.

Dr. Miller has recently been honored by the American Red Cross for being a "Hometown Hero." Enjoy this YouTube video interview with Dr. Miller --- a truly special veterinarian and human being.


barrelracingmom said...

Awesome! What a wonderful advocate for horses and friend!

Holly said...

What a wonderfully modest, dedicated man he is.

Unknown said...

That is so great! I am glad he deserved that award.

excaliber813 said...

Dr. Miller a True Hero! Such dedication shows not only through his actions, through his words as well. A true advocate for the horses!


Anonymous said...

The only person more deserving of this award would be you Kate.

Congratulations to Dr Miller.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Dr. Miller should also win the "Perfect Man Trifecta":
1. He's smart
2. He's compassionate
3. He's hot

The Intrepid Instructor said...

Congrats Dr. Miller!

Susan said...

What a kind, compassionate soul he is.

CurtsBooks said...

Sometimes just one person can make a difference.
Dr. Grant Miller--a true hero.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute to a vet who really cares!

pchoofinit said...

Congrats to Dr. Miller. Can we now clone him and put one of him in every county in this country and the world? So many innocent creatures need a voice for them.
Thanks to him Argies is safe and has a wonderful mom.

Nina said...

There is an award waiting for you on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth! Do all the horses go nuts? Seems that some do and some don't. What about Argus?

Rebecca White said...

You have an award on my blog!!!

Josh said...

Dear Kate,

You and Dr. Miller are fantastic people. I wish you peaceful and healing thoughts to Argus.

Della Micah said...

Hope all is well with you and Argus and the rest of the family. I LOVE this blog!

kbryan said...

beautifully said. your dr. grant is a very special man. I hope he knows that he has many, many admirers.

how about an update?

you all take care.


Sarah said...

I second that request for an update!

How's the Argus-man doing? And the rest of the horses?


Rose said...

Hi Katie,
How's Argus and all doing in the heat? Where I live we have had lots of rain. Temps in the high 80s and low 90s.

Anonymous said...

How is Argus and the gang at Watermark farm? Miss your updates!